Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day of Nothing

I had big plans for today - get up, go to the Duke Lemur Center, write all day,  play Rock Band with friends all night. 

What I actually did is get up, go to Lemur Center, play Fallout 3 and sleep. Ugh. I hate wasting time. So now to make up some lost time I have a fabulous cup of tea (Teavana's Sour Cherry Serenade) and Bizarre Foods on the TV (for future reference I call my TV Big Pretty. It's big and goes very well with the PS3) so I should be able to settle in with ease. 

I've discovered that to do my best writing I need the distraction of comforting TV. Law and Order works best for me second only to a food network special or trashy VH1 reality shows. I've tried to work to Sci-Fi Original movies but I get way too sucked in. 

Well, that's enough procrastinating. 

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