Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sick again for the first time.

Lately it seems like I've been getting sick, getting well and getting sick again. So after much persuasion from Dan and a dear friend who kept mentioning I might have pneumonia, I take myself to the doctor thinking what I have is some pesky cold. Two hours later I'm leaving with four prescriptions, a shot in the ass, an appointment to return next week and a lecture on going to the doctor when I feel bad.  The worst part is the appointment next week is to make sure I don't have pneumonia. HA. I feel a round of I told you so's  is coming, but at least I have an reason for my poor performance in TKD last night. 

So today holds for me a lot of sleeping and maybe some working from home. I have some documentation I need to finish for Icarus that I think I can do from home and a script to finish tonight.  I hope i can do it, typing this has sort of work me out.

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